By Jennifer Lindberg

Amazing is the life we have been given. As a mama of many, writer, daughter of God, wife, and catchist sometimes, oh many times, I get tired of making one more breakfast, washing one more pot, soothing feelings and mending fights between siblings –Oh, monotony of days!

Then St. Faustina comes along with the above quote, bursting into my hazy thoughts and giving me a breath of fresh air in the form of the Holy Spirit to help me see it all with eyes of faith. I’m to look at those staggering piles of laundry, the “not time,” to get everything done, my stuggles like this:

“When I look at everything with the eyes of faith, no two hours are alike, and the dullness and monontony disappear. The grace which is given to me in this hour will not be repeated in the next. It may be given again, but it will not be the same grace. ” Diary 62

I don’t want to waste those graces whether it’s a laundry pile or the sweet smile of my little one. That’s mercy, that’s grace, that’s love all in one monotonous day!


5 Ways Build Hope for Your Thyroid Journey

5 Ways Build Hope for Your Thyroid Journey


Thyroid problems are one reason I named my blog and IG Thinking From Hope. Because I needed a lot of hope when I was diagnosed with Graves Thyroid — an autoimmune disease.

Grasping at the virtues my faith taught me, I found I had faith, I had love, but I so needed HOPE. Hope that things could be different and hope in God’s healing graces.


Doctors were telling me to kill my thyroid with radioactive iodine before any further tests were even done or I’d even started thyroid medication! I’m not a doctor and I’m not telling you what to do. I’m telling you my journey and how hope helped me cope with my health problems with six children, a successful writing career, and managing a farm with my husband when I felt I couldn’t even get out of my chair until 3 p.m. in the afternoon.

Heart to Heart

I couldn’t believe the shallowness in my health care when it came to my thyroid. But I knew one thing, some other doctors were telling me to try to keep my thyroid and I got some confirmation from this from the documentary, The Thyroid Secret. It talked a lot about diet helping change your thyroid numbers and heal your thyroid. So, I did what I did best: research all sides.

Gut Health

I bought a boat load of supplements, and started the Autoimmune Protocol Diet. My numbers got better; my inflammation markers went down. My endocrinologist, which I switched a few times, didn’t believe it was from my diet but said to keep doing what I was doing. I went off the medicine and my numbers have stayed good. God is a healing God!

It’s not been easy. Taking gluten out, cooking for 8 people, and expecting them to understand all of it was hard at first. Hope keep me going.


For Lent, I’m staring a 30-day elimination AIP diet as a way to unite with my fellow thyroid sufferers through Christ and receive the graces from Lent by giving things up. I have to give up eggs and my amaranth waffles and really get down to business again. An elimination means just that for thyroid AIP, eliminating anything that may be causing a change in symptoms, such as weight gain, fatigue, irritability, etc. I will be sharing that journey here and on my blog, as a way to encourage others and to give myself the accountability in faith, hope, and love that I need.

May this Lent bear fruit for all those dealing with health issues and hope for their healing!

Jesus, I Trust in You.

My 5 ways are:

  1. Hope
  2. Trust in Jesus
  3. AIP Diet
  4. Restarting my diet through an elimination diet
  5. Loving myself to love others